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Archaeology & Hidden, Buried Treasure!

Are professional archaeologists treasure hunters? Not really. It makes for fascinating movies such as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, however that’s a dramatic and sensationalized view of the discipline. Usually, the pursuit is undertaken by practicing scientific methods of investigation, following research questions and hypotheses. It’s not the kind of wild treasure hunting where you dig-dig-dig… until you strike gold!

Howeverrrr… there ARE days when we find hidden, buried treasure-! Such a stash came to light just six months ago, around Hanukkah, December 2018, when the Israel Antiquities Authority uncovered a carefully-concealed small bronze pot of coins and an earring dating from Crusader times. Count them: there were 6 rare Byzantine Christian coins (22 Karat gold) and 18 Fatimid Muslim coins (24 Karat gold).

Just a couple of these coins have been estimated to represent an annual wage of a simple farmer of the time. Imagine your yearly salary… times 12-! That’s what was hidden inbetween some rocks lining the inside of a well… inside a Muslim home… when the Crusaders came to wrest the Holy Land from Islamic rule. The 1101 AD battle at Caesarea indicates that these inhabitants were massacred, fled for their lives, or were sold into slavery, because the coins remained in situ (in place) for 900 years. They speak to us, as well, of international trade during this time, since Caesarea was not part of the Byzantine Empire.

The Bible talks of treasure hidden in a field (Matthew 13:44), because if you went on a trip… or if robbers passed by… your valuables would be tucked away. Therefore, smart persons hid their jewelry, or coins, for safekeeping. The Lord informs us that the kingdom of God is like treasure hidden in a field—when a person finds it, he sells all that he has in order to buy the field.

In essence, he’s encouraging you—the riches of heaven are all around you—people, contacts, insights, guidance, gifts—they’re all there, waiting to be uncovered. So start “digging” today!

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