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Why the Dead Sea is “Dead”

Living water flows in, but never flows out. Kinda like an ecological murder mystery. Creepy. But not really. It’s not dangerous at all, there’s simply no outlet on the other end.

Combine that fact with the Judean Desert temps and the many minerals in the big lake… and poof… evaporation does the trick.

Imagine a big, salt lake with no fish and no plant life. Nothing to nibble your feet and give you a heart attack. There are some micro-organisms which live here, but that’s about it.

The surrounding region has no allergens, the humidity is basically nonexistent, so you feel like you’re in an open-air spa. Breathe in—ahhh! No coughing, no sneezing.

It’s the lowest point on the earth. At the shoreline, the Dead Sea measures 1400 feet below sea level and the deepest part of the water, about 900 feet deeper. They claim that the basin effect means no sunburning, but your correspondent slathers up with the sunscreen (just in case)….

Plus, if you go for a “swim”—actually a float on your back—you cannot sink! That’s due to the fact that a regular ocean has about 3.5% salinity. The Dead Sea contains over 30.5% salt. It makes for a very relaxing & therapeutic float!

Slather on the black mud available from the sea’s floor and it can assist everything from acne to psoriasis. Stress floats away.

One tip: make sure not to splash around and definitely don’t shave that morning if it’s part of your daily routine, since the intense salt concentration can sting. Okay another tip, but just because I like you: keep your hair out of the water. Put it up in a bun or cap. Lotta minerals to wash out, otherwise.

Shoreline outdoor showers help you with a quick rinse-off afterward. It’s a fun experience, just ease in slowly and sit down (tip #3–see the value I’m providing here?). You will be floating on your back in no time, reading a book and waving at friends!

The Dead Sea provides our life lesson for today: things become dead when they no longer give out nor contribute. You receive, receive, receive—and never pass it on nor serve others. Be a giver and a conduit for blessing today. Let God’s abundant life flow through you!

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