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Heatwave note: This is why MB does not lead tours to Israel in the summer…. People can’t take the heat! (But everyone does archaeology this time of year because students tend to have free time!) Granted, this is near the Judean Desert, but her car outside air temperature is registering 45 degrees Celsius – that’s a balmy 113 degrees Fahrenheit-!!! Join her in early Dec. 2020 for a great Insider’s Israel Tour – with someone who has lived and worked there… and speaks the language… and teaches the word… and has a PhD coming in archaeology… and has led tons of tours… and is a fun person… and loves the Lord-! Under $3900 includes air, land, everything but lunch–wow! Private message for further info–sign-up now! You can be part of this dynamic team (aim to save $250/mo for 16 months!).

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