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The Desert Blossoms: Drip Irrigation

Not only is Israel a very historic country dating back thousands of years, it’s also known as a high-tech, start-up nation. One of Israel’s most famous contributions to millions of farmers in over 110 countries worldwide is their development of drip irrigation. Much more than a simple soaker hose, the drip feeds water, along with carefully-measured nutrients, straight to a plant’s roots. Saving on water, it also increases the quantity and quality of crops produced, many of them growing in the middle of the desert! Plus, Israel recycles nearly 90% of its waste water, the highest of any nation. Yes, the desert is blossoming in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Israel reaches out to bless others with the technology they developed, first by Simcha Blass and later, by Rafi Mehoudar. (Photo: Moshik Brin, Ben Gurion TA)

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