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I Love Israel-!!! Really? How?

Ahhh… the fun of falling in love! In modern times, things have changed, that’s for sure. Plenty of folks feel that they’ve met “the one”, their “soulmate”, their “true love” within five minutes. Alright make that ten.

Often online.

Without knowing much about that “significant other”.


People, slow it down!

Love that’s more than infatuation takes time. It’s a getting-to-know-you process: common interests, favorite things, likes and dislikes, goals and values. You might become acquainted in a group setting while volunteering somewhere, playing sports, in a congregation, at a conference, in a school or work-related situation. If the location is long-distance, eventually you need to meet.

So how do you love a country? You love and honor the land, you get to know her, you talk about and stand up for her. You give some time and attention, you spend some money on her.


Many have asked: how can I bless Israel? Here are some ideas. Pray for the protection/peace/prosperity of the country, speak up for Israel’s right to exist, plant a tree there, take a tour to get to know the country better, post your sentiments online that they are not alone! Write a letter to the editor. Don’t let anti-Semitism or anti-Israel sentiments reign. Petition your elected officials to support the country. Set the record straight in misguided academic situations where BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) vitriol is disseminated. Invest in Israeli companies, such as those comprising 10% of the NASDAQ.

Get to know the real Israel—from Bible days to current days. Like any land, she’s not perfect, but she’s pretty darn cute. To know her is to love her.

Walk her cobblestoned streets, see her ancient walled cities and her modern steel-and-glass high-rises. Visit open-air markets by the Mediterranean and diamond dealers with their special handshake. Hear the quiet of a Friday afternoon as all falls quiet and Shabbat descends with prayers escaping open windows of synagogues and homes, listen to church bells ringing on a crystal clear Sunday. Hike the hills, take a boat ride, open your Bible, ponder the bustle of life around you at a cafe, learn a few words of Hebrew.

Go ahead, the ball’s in your court. Get to know the people and country called Israel. Take her for a spin and treat her right.

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