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Mosaics and the Dark/Light Contrasts

Most born-again believers grapple with the issue of pain and suffering. How would a good God allow evil in the world? Did he send Yeshua (Jesus) to carry our griefs and sorrows, sins and diseases? Can we look to the Cross, even as the Israelites looked up to the bronze pole in the wilderness, and receive healing and deliverance? Why does the Bible emphasize celebrating both his body and his blood—one poured out for the remission of sin, the other striped and pierced for our physical healing?

This is full salvation—spirit, soul, and body. It is a finished work. We enter into his blessing by faith. It is a new and living covenant.

He is light. In him there is no darkness at all. Every good and every perfect gift comes from above.

Simply put, there is good and there is evil in the world. We are to embrace one and flee from the other. The Lord will help us. He is a very present help in times of trouble. He will be with us to deliver us.

But never forget: you have an adversary, the devil, seeking whom he may devour. Be alert, be vigilant, stay close to the flock and to the shepherd of your soul. Use the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Speak it out loud and use the name of Jesus!

Somewhat a stream of consciousness because it has been very real in my life. One day I will share more. But there are benefits to knowing him. Benefits! Forget not all his benefits.

Does everything always turn out as we want? No.

Do things go better with him? Yes.

Much better. Miraculously better! But you must stay focused on him, though a thousand fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand. Face like a flint.

Which brings us to mosaics. Otherwise, I will just preach myself happy!

Look at the little worked stones: tesserae (tess-er-EYE). Someone has shaped them.


They fit into an overall pattern which twists and turns. They stand shoulder to shoulder. No control over where they fit in the picture.


Dark parts of the pattern stand in contrast to light areas. Fluid swirls vie for attention against jagged edges.

Darkness enters the design. But in him there is no darkness at all. He does not send darkness your way!

What the enemy intends for evil, God will turn into good. He will lead you through to victory! The dark parts which, at times, seem to obscure and mar the lovely picture, instead, make the overall design pop.

Stop focusing on the darkness.

There’s a beautiful pattern and picture being formed out of your life. Yes, there is. Just as in a mosaic, every piece helps to create the message—dark and light, colors, shades of vividness, worked stone.

The mosaic of your life story is turning out to be quite a work of art—because you’re in master hands!


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